Communicating Science 2009

Welcome to The Liquid Earth!

Bangor LogoThis is an active weblog used by students from the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University. We are actively developing science communication skills by using our site as both a learning tool and a source of public outreach. We comment on each others posts and assess how we communicate to a variety of different audiences. External users, please address comments to the webmaster.

Tutorial Session: 29 September 2009

Communication is a core skill for science professionals, and one that needs to be practised to ensure clarity and impact. In this session we discussed what science communication means, who the target audiences are and how we can tailor science communication for them.

As part of the session coursework, students will write a short, illustrated article on a topic of their choice (no less than 500 words), and upload it as a post to the site before the next tutorial session on the 13th of October at 2pm in Dr Davies’ office.

The session handout is available as a download from here. Students who missed this session will be emailed to ensure they complete their articles.

15 years ago